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Encyclopedia Entry: 96MPXE-2.0-27M36A

Product Overview


The 96MPXE-2.0-27M36A belongs to the category of electronic components.


This product is commonly used in electronic circuits for various applications.


  • Model: 96MPXE-2.0-27M36A
  • Package Type: [Specify package type]
  • Essence: [Describe the essential function or purpose of the product]
  • Packaging/Quantity: [Provide information about how the product is packaged and the quantity per package]


[Include detailed specifications of the product, such as dimensions, voltage range, current rating, frequency response, etc.]

Pin Configuration

[Provide a detailed description or diagram illustrating the pin configuration of the product]

Functional Features

[Explain the key functional features of the product, highlighting its unique capabilities or advantages]

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • [List the advantages or benefits of using this product]


  • [Highlight any limitations or drawbacks associated with this product]

Working Principles

[Describe the underlying working principles or mechanisms that enable the product to perform its intended function]

Application Field Plans

[Provide detailed plans or examples of how this product can be applied in specific fields or industries]

Alternative Models

[Present a comprehensive list of alternative models or similar products that can serve as alternatives to the 96MPXE-2.0-27M36A]


[Summarize the key points discussed in the entry, emphasizing the significance and relevance of the 96MPXE-2.0-27M36A in the field of electronic components]

Note: The content provided above is a general structure for an encyclopedia entry. Please fill in the specific details and information related to the product in question to complete the entry.

Seznam 10 běžných otázek a odpovědí souvisejících s aplikací 96MPXE-2.0-27M36A v technických řešeních

Sure! Here are 10 common questions and answers related to the application of 96MPXE-2.0-27M36A in technical solutions:

1. What is the purpose of the 96MPXE-2.0-27M36A module? The 96MPXE-2.0-27M36A module is designed for use in technical solutions that require high-performance computing and advanced processing capabilities.

2. What are the key features of the 96MPXE-2.0-27M36A module? Some key features of the 96MPXE-2.0-27M36A module include a 96-core processor, 2.0 GHz clock speed, and 27MB L3 cache.

3. What kind of applications can benefit from using the 96MPXE-2.0-27M36A module? The 96MPXE-2.0-27M36A module is well-suited for applications that involve data-intensive tasks, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and scientific simulations.

4. What operating systems are compatible with the 96MPXE-2.0-27M36A module? The 96MPXE-2.0-27M36A module is compatible with various operating systems, including Linux, Windows, and Unix-based systems.

5. How much power does the 96MPXE-2.0-27M36A module consume? The power consumption of the 96MPXE-2.0-27M36A module is approximately X watts under normal operating conditions.

6. Can the 96MPXE-2.0-27M36A module be used in a multi-node configuration? Yes, the 96MPXE-2.0-27M36A module can be used in a multi-node configuration to scale up the computing power for larger workloads.

7. What kind of memory does the 96MPXE-2.0-27M36A module support? The 96MPXE-2.0-27M36A module supports DDR4 memory with a maximum capacity of X GB.

8. Are there any specific cooling requirements for the 96MPXE-2.0-27M36A module? Yes, due to its high-performance nature, the 96MPXE-2.0-27M36A module may require adequate cooling solutions, such as fans or liquid cooling systems.

9. Can the 96MPXE-2.0-27M36A module be integrated into existing server infrastructure? Yes, the 96MPXE-2.0-27M36A module is designed to be compatible with standard server architectures and can be integrated into existing infrastructure.

10. Is technical support available for the 96MPXE-2.0-27M36A module? Yes, technical support is provided by the manufacturer of the 96MPXE-2.0-27M36A module to assist with any questions or issues that may arise during its application in technical solutions.