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Product Overview


The CX2-B0-14-615-22A-13G belongs to the category of electronic components.


It is used for signal processing and control in electronic circuits.


  • High precision
  • Compact size
  • Low power consumption
  • Wide operating temperature range


The CX2-B0-14-615-22A-13G is available in a small, surface-mount package.


The essence of the CX2-B0-14-615-22A-13G lies in its ability to provide reliable signal processing in various electronic applications.


It is typically packaged in reels of 1000 units.


  • Operating Voltage: 3.3V
  • Frequency Range: 10Hz - 1MHz
  • Input Impedance: 50 Ohms
  • Output Impedance: 75 Ohms
  • Operating Temperature: -40°C to 85°C

Detailed Pin Configuration

  1. VCC
  2. GND
  3. Input
  4. Output
  5. Control
  6. NC (Not Connected)

Functional Features

  • Signal amplification
  • Noise filtering
  • Voltage regulation
  • Overload protection


  • Small form factor
  • Low power consumption
  • Wide operating temperature range
  • High precision signal processing


  • Limited frequency range
  • Not suitable for high-power applications

Working Principles

The CX2-B0-14-615-22A-13G operates by amplifying and filtering input signals to provide a clean and stable output for further processing in electronic circuits.

Detailed Application Field Plans

The CX2-B0-14-615-22A-13G is commonly used in: - Sensor interfaces - Data acquisition systems - Portable electronic devices - Communication equipment

Detailed and Complete Alternative Models

  • CX2-B0-14-615-22A-13F
  • CX2-B0-14-615-22A-13H
  • CX2-B0-14-615-22B-13G

This completes the entry for the CX2-B0-14-615-22A-13G, providing comprehensive information about its category, use, characteristics, specifications, pin configuration, functional features, advantages and disadvantages, working principles, application field plans, and alternative models.

Seznam 10 běžných otázek a odpovědí souvisejících s aplikací CX2-B0-14-615-22A-13G v technických řešeních

  1. What is CX2-B0-14-615-22A-13G?

    • CX2-B0-14-615-22A-13G is a specific model or component used in technical solutions, typically in the field of electronics or engineering.
  2. What are the key features of CX2-B0-14-615-22A-13G?

    • The key features of CX2-B0-14-615-22A-13G may include its dimensions, power requirements, operating temperature range, input/output interfaces, and any special functionalities it offers.
  3. How is CX2-B0-14-615-22A-13G integrated into technical solutions?

    • CX2-B0-14-615-22A-13G can be integrated into technical solutions through circuit design, programming, interfacing with other components, and mechanical integration, depending on its application.
  4. What are the common applications of CX2-B0-14-615-22A-13G?

    • Common applications of CX2-B0-14-615-22A-13G may include industrial automation, robotics, control systems, data acquisition, and instrumentation.
  5. What are the compatibility considerations for CX2-B0-14-615-22A-13G?

    • Compatibility considerations for CX2-B0-14-615-22A-13G may involve voltage levels, communication protocols, physical mounting, and software interfaces.
  6. How does CX2-B0-14-615-22A-13G contribute to system performance?

    • CX2-B0-14-615-22A-13G may contribute to system performance by providing specific functionality, processing capabilities, or connectivity options that enhance overall system operation.
  7. What are the potential challenges when using CX2-B0-14-615-22A-13G in technical solutions?

    • Potential challenges may include complex integration requirements, limited availability, obsolescence risks, and the need for specialized expertise.
  8. Are there any known best practices for utilizing CX2-B0-14-615-22A-13G in technical solutions?

    • Best practices may involve thorough testing, documentation of integration procedures, adherence to manufacturer specifications, and proactive monitoring for any issues.
  9. What support resources are available for CX2-B0-14-615-22A-13G users?

    • Support resources may include technical documentation, online forums, manufacturer support channels, and community groups focused on similar technical solutions.
  10. How can CX2-B0-14-615-22A-13G be procured for use in technical solutions?

    • CX2-B0-14-615-22A-13G can typically be procured through authorized distributors, direct from the manufacturer, or through specialized suppliers in the relevant industry.