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Product Category:
The TSP-L-0400-203-3%-RH belongs to the category of precision resistors.

Basic Information Overview: - Use: This precision resistor is used in electronic circuits for precise resistance values. - Characteristics: It has high precision, low temperature coefficient, and excellent stability. - Package: The resistor is packaged in a small, surface-mount package. - Essence: Its essence lies in providing accurate and stable resistance in electronic circuits. - Packaging/Quantity: Typically, it is supplied in reels containing a specific quantity per reel.

Specifications: - Resistance Value: 400 ohms - Tolerance: ±3% - Power Rating: 0.25 watts - Temperature Coefficient: ±100 ppm/°C

Detailed Pin Configuration: The TSP-L-0400-203-3%-RH has two terminals for connection. The pin configuration is as follows: 1. Terminal 1: Connected to one end of the resistor 2. Terminal 2: Connected to the other end of the resistor

Functional Features: - High precision resistance value - Low temperature coefficient - Stable performance over time and temperature variations

Advantages and Disadvantages: - Advantages: - Precise resistance value - Low sensitivity to temperature changes - Reliable performance - Disadvantages: - Sensitive to excessive power dissipation - Limited power handling capacity

Working Principles: The TSP-L-0400-203-3%-RH operates based on the principle of utilizing a specific material with controlled dimensions to provide a precise resistance value. The material's properties and dimensions are engineered to ensure stable resistance under varying conditions.

Detailed Application Field Plans: This precision resistor is commonly used in: - Analog signal conditioning circuits - Precision voltage dividers - Sensor interface circuits - Feedback networks in amplifiers

Detailed and Complete Alternative Models: - TSP-L-0300-203-5%-RH: 300 ohm, ±5% tolerance, 0.125W - TSP-L-0500-203-1%-RH: 500 ohm, ±1% tolerance, 0.5W - TSP-L-0600-203-2%-RH: 600 ohm, ±2% tolerance, 0.25W

This completes the entry for TSP-L-0400-203-3%-RH, covering its product category, basic information overview, specifications, pin configuration, functional features, advantages and disadvantages, working principles, detailed application field plans, and alternative models.

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Seznam 10 běžných otázek a odpovědí souvisejících s aplikací TSP-L-0400-203-3%-RH v technických řešeních

  1. What is TSP-L-0400-203-3%-RH?

    • TSP-L-0400-203-3%-RH is a type of technical solution that refers to a specific material or component with defined properties and specifications.
  2. What are the key characteristics of TSP-L-0400-203-3%-RH?

    • TSP-L-0400-203-3%-RH is known for its high tensile strength, resistance to corrosion, and ability to maintain 3% relative humidity in specified conditions.
  3. How is TSP-L-0400-203-3%-RH used in technical solutions?

    • TSP-L-0400-203-3%-RH is commonly used in applications where maintaining a specific level of humidity is critical, such as in electronic components, storage facilities, or sensitive equipment.
  4. What are the environmental considerations when using TSP-L-0400-203-3%-RH?

    • It's important to consider the impact of TSP-L-0400-203-3%-RH on the surrounding environment, including proper disposal methods and any potential hazards associated with its use.
  5. Are there any limitations to the use of TSP-L-0400-203-3%-RH in technical solutions?

    • Some limitations may include temperature sensitivity, compatibility with other materials, and specific handling requirements.
  6. What are the recommended storage conditions for TSP-L-0400-203-3%-RH?

    • TSP-L-0400-203-3%-RH should be stored in a controlled environment with consistent temperature and humidity levels to maintain its properties.
  7. How does TSP-L-0400-203-3%-RH compare to other similar technical solutions?

    • TSP-L-0400-203-3%-RH may offer unique advantages such as precise humidity control or specific material properties compared to other alternatives.
  8. What industries commonly utilize TSP-L-0400-203-3%-RH in their technical solutions?

    • Industries such as aerospace, pharmaceuticals, electronics, and precision manufacturing often incorporate TSP-L-0400-203-3%-RH in their technical solutions.
  9. Are there any regulatory standards or certifications related to TSP-L-0400-203-3%-RH?

    • Depending on the application, TSP-L-0400-203-3%-RH may need to meet specific industry standards or certifications to ensure compliance and safety.
  10. What maintenance or monitoring is required when using TSP-L-0400-203-3%-RH in technical solutions?

    • Regular monitoring of humidity levels, periodic inspections, and potential recalibration may be necessary to ensure the continued effectiveness of TSP-L-0400-203-3%-RH in technical solutions.