onsemi (Ansemi)
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Viz Specifikace pro podrobnosti o produktu.
6N138M DC input 1 channel Isolation voltage (rms): 5000V Single channel low input current, high gain split Darlington output optocoupler


DC input 1 channel Isolation voltage (rms): 5000V Single channel low input current, high gain split Darlington output optocoupler
Číslo dílu
Optocoupler/LED/Digital Tube/Optoelectronic Device > Optocoupler-Logic Output
onsemi (Ansemi)
Počet balíků
The 6N138M/9M and HCPL2730M/31M ​​optocouplers consist of an AlGaAs LED optically coupled to a high gain split Darlington photodetector. This split Darlington configuration separates the input photodiode and first-stage gain from the output transistor, allowing for lower output saturation voltage and higher operating speed than conventional Darlington phototransistor optocouplers. In the dual-channel devices HCPL2730M/HCPL2731M, an integrated emitter-base resistor provides excellent stability over temperature. The combination of very low input current of 0.5mA and high current transfer ratio of 2000% makes this series ideal for MOS, CMOS, LSTTL and EIA RS232C input interfaces while ensuring output compatibility to CMOS and high fanout TTL requirements. Internal noise shielding provides excellent 10 kV/µs common-mode rejection.
Žádost o nabídku
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Na skladě 86024 PCS
Kontaktní informace
Klíčová slova 6N138M
6N138M Elektronické komponenty
6N138M Odbyt
6N138M Dodavatel
6N138M Distributor
6N138M Datová tabulka
6N138M Fotky
6N138M Cena
6N138M Nabídka
6N138M Nejnižší cena
6N138M Vyhledávání
6N138M Nákup
6N138M Chip