onsemi (Ansemi)
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Viz Specifikace pro podrobnosti o produktu.
NCP10672BD100R2G NCP10672BD100R2G


Číslo dílu
Power Chips > AC-DC Controllers and Regulators
onsemi (Ansemi)
Počet balíků
The NCP1067X products integrate a fixed frequency current mode controller with 700 V MOSFETs. Using SOIC-7 encapsulation, the NCP1067X offers a high level of integration including soft-start, frequency dithering, short-circuit protection, cycle skipping, slope compensation, and dynamic self-power supply (no auxiliary winding required). During normal load operation, the NCP1067X can switch at one of the available frequencies (60 or 100 kHz). When the output power demand disappears, the IC will automatically enter skip mode, reducing standby power consumption. Protection features include: timers to detect overload or short circuit events, overvoltage protection with automatic recovery. To improve standby performance, connecting an auxiliary winding or powering the IC from the output stops DSS operation, helping to reduce input power consumption on the high line to less than 15 mW. The NCP1067x can be used seamlessly in both non-isolated and isolated topologies.
Žádost o nabídku
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Na skladě 69145 PCS
Kontaktní informace
Klíčová slova NCP10672BD100R2G
NCP10672BD100R2G Elektronické komponenty
NCP10672BD100R2G Odbyt
NCP10672BD100R2G Dodavatel
NCP10672BD100R2G Distributor
NCP10672BD100R2G Datová tabulka
NCP10672BD100R2G Fotky
NCP10672BD100R2G Cena
NCP10672BD100R2G Nabídka
NCP10672BD100R2G Nejnižší cena
NCP10672BD100R2G Vyhledávání
NCP10672BD100R2G Nákup
NCP10672BD100R2G Chip