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I/O Port Expander, I2C, 16-bit, Remote Low Voltage with Interrupt
Číslo dílu
Communication interface chip/UART/485/232 > I/O expander
onsemi (Ansemi)
Počet balíků
The PCA9535E provides 16-bit general-purpose parallel input/output (GPIO) expansion via I2C-bus and SMBus. The PCA9535E includes two 8-bit configuration input or output options; input, output, and polarity inversion (active high or active low operation) registers. At power-up, all I/Os default to inputs. Each I/O can be configured as an input or output by writing to the corresponding I/O Configuration bit. Data for each input or output is retained in its corresponding input or output register. The polarity inversion register can be used to invert the polarity when reading the register. All registers can be read by the host system. The PCA9655E provides an open-drain interrupt output that is activated when the state of any input differs from the state of its corresponding input port register. This interrupt output is used to indicate to the host system that an output state has changed. A power-on reset sets the registers to their default values and starts the device state machine. Three hardware pins (AD0, AD1, AD2) are used to configure the I2C-bus slave address of the device. Allows up to 64 devices to share the same I2C bus and SMBus.
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