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MC100E116FNG ECL Five Differential Line Receivers


ECL Five Differential Line Receivers
Číslo dílu
Logic Devices > Special Logic ICs
onsemi (Ansemi)
Počet balíků
The MC10E/100E116 is a five differential line receiver with emitter-follower outputs. For applications requiring greater bandwidth than the E116, the E416 can be considered. The active current source of the MOSAIC III process coupled with the deep collector feature provides excellent common-mode noise rejection for these receivers. Each receiver has a dedicated VCCO power lead for optimum symmetry and stability. If the inverting and non-inverting inputs are at the same potential, both > -2.5 V, then in normal differential amplifier mode the receiver does not go into a defined state, but is current shared, resulting in a high and a low between intermediate output voltage levels, or the device oscillates. Only the VBB pin, the internally generated supply voltage, is provided for this device. In the case of single-ended inputs, tie the unused differential input to VBB as the switch reference voltage. VBB can also re-bias the AC-coupled input. When used, decouple VBB and VCC with 0.01 μF capacitors and limit current source or sink to 0.5 mA. VBB should be left open when not in use. The 100 Series includes temperature compensation.
Žádost o nabídku
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Na skladě 80794 PCS
Kontaktní informace
Klíčová slova MC100E116FNG
MC100E116FNG Elektronické komponenty
MC100E116FNG Odbyt
MC100E116FNG Dodavatel
MC100E116FNG Distributor
MC100E116FNG Datová tabulka
MC100E116FNG Fotky
MC100E116FNG Cena
MC100E116FNG Nabídka
MC100E116FNG Nejnižší cena
MC100E116FNG Vyhledávání
MC100E116FNG Nákup
MC100E116FNG Chip